How to Make Turkish Coffee with Milk?

Do you know how to make Turkish coffee with milk? Read on the tips and steps!

How to Make Turkish Coffee with Milk

Turkish coffee, a traditional beverage known for its rich flavors and unique preparation method, has been cherished for centuries. While traditionally prepared without milk, the addition of milk can lend a creamy twist to this beloved drink. We will guide you how to make Turkish coffee with milk, providing you with simple tips and techniques to achieve a delightful and satisfying cup.

Understanding the Basics of Turkish Coffee with Milk

Before we delve into the tips, it's important to grasp the basic concept of Turkish coffee with milk. Unlike other coffee brewing methods, Turkish coffee involves brewing the coffee grounds directly in water, creating a strong and intense concoction. The addition of milk offers a velvety texture and a subtle sweetness that complements the robust coffee flavors.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

So, how to make Turkish coffee with milk? To create a perfect cup of Turkish coffee with milk, it's essential to select high-quality ingredients. Here's what you'll need:

1. Coffee Beans: Opt for freshly roasted, medium to dark roast Arabica coffee beans. Turkish coffee requires a fine grind, so ensure your beans are ground to a powdery consistency.

2. Milk: Whole milk works best for Turkish coffee, providing a creamy texture and enhancing the flavors. However, if you prefer a lighter option, you can use low-fat milk or even a non-dairy alternative.

Essential Equipment

To embark on your Turkish coffee adventure, make sure you have the following equipment at hand:

1. İbrik or Cezve: This is a long-handled, narrow-necked coffee pot used to brew Turkish coffee. Choose a small-sized ibrik for personal servings.

2. Grinder: Invest in a burr grinder capable of grinding coffee beans into an extra-fine powder. This consistency is crucial for brewing authentic Turkish coffee.

Brewing Turkish Coffee with Milk

Now that you have gathered the necessary ingredients and equipment, it's time to bring your Turkish coffee with milk to life. Follow these step-by-step instructions to know how to make turkish coffee with milk:

1. Measure and Heat the Water: For each cup of coffee, measure 1 demitasse cup of water (approximately 50 ml). Pour it into the ibrik and heat it over low heat until it reaches a gentle simmer.

2. Add Coffee and Sugar: For a single cup, use 1 heaping teaspoon of coffee per demitasse cup. Add the coffee to the simmering water, and if desired, sprinkle in sugar according to your taste preferences. Stir gently until the coffee and sugar dissolve.

3. Introduce the Milk: Once the coffee and sugar have dissolved, pour milk into the ibrik, accounting for roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of the total liquid volume. The addition of milk should be adjusted according to personal preference for creaminess.

4. Simmer and Foam: Increase the heat slightly and let the mixture simmer, being careful not to let it boil over. As the coffee simmers, a foam layer known as "kaymak" will begin to form on top. Allow the kaymak to develop fully, as it contributes to the unique taste and texture of Turkish coffee.

5. Serve with Care: Just before the coffee reaches a boil, remove the ibrik from the heat to prevent it from boiling over. Let it rest for a moment, allowing the foam to settle. Then, pour the coffee into demitasse cups, ensuring an even distribution of the coffee and foam.

Tips to Elevate Your Turkish Coffee with Milk

To enhance your experience and achieve the perfect cup of Turkish coffee with milk, consider the following tips:

1. Experiment with Milk Ratios:

Adjust the quantity of milk according to your taste preference. More milk will create a creamier texture, while less milk will provide a stronger coffee flavor.

2. Sweeten to Perfection:

Turkish coffee is often enjoyed with sugar. Experiment with different amounts to find your desired level of sweetness. Traditional Turkish coffee is typically served with a sugar cube on the side for those who prefer additional sweetness.

3. Master the Simmering Technique: Maintain a gentle simmer while brewing the coffee to allow the flavors to develop fully. Avoid boiling the coffee, as it may compromise the taste and texture.

4. Savor the Foam:

The velvety foam, or kaymak, is one of the highlights of Turkish coffee. Take your time to enjoy the rich texture and unique flavors it brings to your cup.


Indulging in a cup of Turkish coffee with milk is an experience that combines tradition, art, and flavors. By following these tips and techniques, you can elevate your brewing skills and create a delightful and creamy beverage that will transport you to the vibrant streets of Turkey. Embrace the rich coffee culture and enjoy the pleasure of sipping this cherished drink with family and friends. We hope now you know how to make Turkish coffee with milk.

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Best Automatic Turkish Coffee Maker
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