Can I Put Oil in an Air Fryer?

Can I put oil in an air fryer? Read on to know more!

Can I Put Oil in an Air Fryer

Can I put oil in an air fryer? Read on to know more!

The air fryer is a relatively new cooking technology that has gained widespread popularity in recent years. The device uses hot air to cook food, just like a convection oven. However, unlike a convection oven, an air fryer requires little to no oil to cook food.

But what if you want to use oil in your air fryer? Is it safe to do so, or will it damage the device? In this article, we will explore these questions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Using Oil in an Air Fryer

The short answer is yes, you can use oil in an air fryer. However, you need to be careful about the type of oil you use and how much you use. The goal of an air fryer is to provide you with healthier meals without the need for too much oil. If you use too much oil, your food will not be as healthy as you intended it to be.

What Types of Oil Can You Use in an Air Fryer?

There are many types of oil you can use in an air fryer. However, it is important to choose an oil that is suitable for high-temperature cooking. Some oils, such as olive oil, have a low smoke point and can produce smoke and an unpleasant taste when used in an air fryer.

The best oils for air frying are those with high smoke points. These include canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, and avocado oil. These oils are suitable for high-temperature cooking and will not produce smoke or an unpleasant taste when used in an air fryer.

How Much Oil Should You Use?

When using oil in an air fryer, it is important to use it sparingly. As mentioned earlier, the goal of an air fryer is to provide you with healthier meals without the need for too much oil. If you use too much oil, your food will not be as healthy as you intended it to be.

The amount of oil you should use depends on the recipe you are using and the food you are cooking. In general, it is recommended to use no more than one tablespoon of oil for every pound of food you are cooking. This will help you achieve a crispy exterior without adding extra calories to your meal.

Tips for Using Oil in an Air Fryer

Here are some tips to keep in mind when using oil in an air fryer:

  • Use an oil mister: An oil mister is a great tool to use when you want to use oil sparingly. You can purchase an oil mister online or at your local kitchen supply store.
  • Preheat the air fryer: Preheating the air fryer before adding your food can help prevent sticking and ensure that your food cooks evenly.
  • Toss the food in the oil: If you are cooking food that needs to be coated in oil, such as french fries, toss the food in the oil before placing it in the air fryer.
  • Clean your air fryer regularly: Using oil in your air fryer can cause build-up over time. Be sure to clean your air fryer regularly to prevent any damage.

How Much Oil Do I Put in My Air Fryer?

The amount of oil you put in your air fryer depends on the type of food and recipe you are making. Generally speaking, for most recipes, it is recommended to use about one tablespoon of oil per two cups of food. However, some recipes may require more or less depending on what you’re cooking.

If a specific recipe calls for more or less oil than this guideline suggests, follow the instructions given in that particular recipe. Before adding any oil to your air fryer basket, make sure to check the manufacturer's instructions first – some models may not be suitable for using any oil at all!


In conclusion, you can use oil in an air fryer, but it is important to use it sparingly and choose the right type of oil. Oils with high smoke points, such as canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, and avocado oil, are suitable for high-temperature cooking and will not produce smoke or an unpleasant taste when used in an air fryer. With these tips, you can achieve crispy, delicious results with your air fryer while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Looking for the Best Air Fryer for Vegans For Healthy Diet? Check our picks below and buy one today👇

Best Air Fryer for Vegans For Healthy Diet
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